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先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献的英文

"先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献"怎么读


  • xian
  • "先"英文翻译    earlier; before; first; in a ...
  • "鲜"英文翻译    little; rare
  • "闲"英文翻译    not busy; idle; unoccupied
  • "贤"英文翻译    virtuous; worthy; able
  • "显"英文翻译    apparent; obvious; noticeabl ...
  • "险"英文翻译    a place difficult of access; ...
  • "县"英文翻译    a surname
  • "现"英文翻译    present; now; current; exist ...
  • "线"英文翻译    thread; string; wire
  • "陷"英文翻译    pitfall; trap defect; defici ...
  • "献"英文翻译    offer; present; dedicate; do ...
  • "贤、鲜、仙" 英文翻译 :    xian
  • "闲" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(没有事情; 没有活动; 有空) not busy; idle; unoccupied 不吃闲饭 won't be an idler; 吃闲饭 eat the bread of idleness; 闲不住 refuse to stay idle; always keep oneself busy; 不要游手好闲。 don't idle about. 闲着不干事他可受不了。 he can't bear idleness.2.(不在使用中) not in use; unoccupied; lying idle 闲房 unoccupied [vacant] room or house; 别让机器闲着! don't let the machine stand idle. 没有一辆车闲着。 there's not a single free vehicle.; all the vehicles are in use.3.(与正事无关的) chatty; digressiveⅡ名词(闲空儿) spare [free] time; leisure 农闲 slack season in farming; 忙里偷闲 snatch a little leisure from a busy life; 今天她不得闲。 she has no time to spare today
  • "献" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(恭敬庄严地送给) offer; present; dedicate; donate 把青春献给祖国 dedicate one's youth to one's country; 敬献花圈 lay a wreath; 向血库献血 donate blood to a blood bank; 他们向老师献花。 they presented flowers to their teachers. 我谨以此书献给我的父亲, 以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。 to my father i dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.2.(表现给人看) show; put on; display 献绝技 show one's unique skillⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 献则 xian ze
  • "显" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(明显) apparent; obvious; noticeable; evident 成效不显。 the result is not so marked. 药的效果还不显。 the effect of the medicine is not yet noticeable.2.(有名声有权势的) illustrious and influential 显官 high officialsⅡ动词(表现; 露出) show; display; manifest; appear 大显身手 display one's skill to the full; 显本领 go through one's paces; give a taste of one's quality; 深色衣服不显脏。 dark clothes do not show the dirt. 她很显老。 she looks older than her age.Ⅲ名词a surname 显甫 xian fu
  • "贤" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(有德行的; 有才能的) virtuous; worthy; able 贤人志士 a person of virtue and ideals2.(敬辞, 用于平辈或晚辈) 贤弟 my worthy brother; your good self; 贤侄 my good nephew; your nephewⅡ名词1.(有德行的人; 有才能的人) a worthy person; an able and virtuous person 让贤 relinquish one's post in favour of sb. better qualified; give up one's post to [make room for] sb. better qualified; 选贤举能 recommend a virtuous and talented person2.(姓氏) a surname 贤英 xian ying
  • "陷" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(陷阱) pitfall; trap2.(缺点) defect; deficiency 缺陷 defect; flawⅡ动词1.(掉进) get stuck or bogged down; entrap 陷进泥里 get stuck in the mud; 陷在日常事务堆里 get bogged down in everyday routine; 在错误的泥坑里越陷越深 sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of error; 士兵们陷在沼泽中。 the soldiers became bogged in the swamp.2.(凹进) sink; cave in 深陷的两颊 sunken cheeks; 地基下陷。 the foundations have sunk [caved in]. 他脚下的土地突然陷下去了。 the ground suddenly sank under his feet. 她的眼睛陷进去了。 her eyes have sunk in.3.(陷害) frame (up) 捏造案情诬陷人 frame a case against sb.4.(被攻破; 被占领) (of a town, etc.) be captured; fall 沦陷 fall into enemy's hands; be occupied by the enemy; 城陷之日 the day the city fell
  • "险" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(险恶不容易通过的地方) a place difficult of access; narrow pass; defile 天险 natural barrier; 无险可守 have no tenable defence position; be strategically indefensible2.(危险) danger; peril; risk 冒险 run a risk; 脱险 be out of danger; 遇险 meet with danger; 海洋上的风险 the perils of the oceanⅡ形容词1.(危险的) dangerous; risky 干险事 do sth. at the risk of one's life; 好险哪! that was a near thing!2.(狠毒) sinister; vicious; venomous 阴险 sinisterⅢ副词(险些) by a hair's breadth; by inches; nearly 险遭不幸 come within an ace of death
  • "现" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(现在; 此刻) present; now; current; existing 现阶段 the present stage; 现况 the existing [present] situation; 现年25岁 now twenty five years old; 现政府 the present government; 现派张同志前往你处接洽。 we are now sending comrade zhang along to get in touch with you.2.(现款) cash; ready money 付现 pay cash; 兑现 cash; 贴现 discountⅡ副词(临时; 当时) (do sth.) in time of need; extempore 现挣现吃 live from hand to mouth; 现打的烧饼 sesame cakes just out of the oven; 他在晚会上现编了一首诗。 he improvised a poem at the evening party. 这点技术也是工作中现学的。 what skill i have has been picked up on the job.Ⅲ形容词(当时可以拿出来的) on hand 现钱 ready money; cashⅣ动词(表露在外面, 使人可以看见) show; appear; reveal 她脸上渐渐现出了笑容。 gradually, a smile appeared on her face
  • "县" 英文翻译 :    县名词(姓氏) a surname 县子石 xuan zishi
  • "鲜" 英文翻译 :    鲜形容词(少) little; rare 鲜见 rarely seen; seldom met with; 这是鲜有的怪事。 this is a very rare and strange affair.
  • "限" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(指定的范围; 限度) limit; bounds 期限 time limit; 上[下] 限 upper [lower] limit; 以年底为限 set the end of the year as the deadline; 一个人的精力有限。 there is a limit to a man's energy.Ⅱ动词(指定范围, 不许超过) set a limit; limit; restrict 限一个月完成 allow one month to finish sth.; 不要限得太死, 要有点灵活性。 don't make rigid restrictions, allow a certain latitude. 每人限购四张票。 each customer is limited to four tickets. 人数不限。 there is no restriction [limit] on the number of people. 我们的考察范围仅限于狩猎动物。 our survey was restricted to the game animals. 这个版本限出一万册, 价格为十二美元。 the edition is limited to 10,000 copies priced twelve dollars
  • "先" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(时间或次序在前的) earlier; before; first; in advance 有言在先 make clear beforehand; 争先恐后 strive to be the first and fear to lag behind; 你不必先付款。 you don't have to pay in advance. 你先拟个提纲再写。 make an outline before you start writing. 他比我先到。 he arrived earlier than i did.; he arrived there before me. 他在班上遥遥领先。 he is far in advance of his class. 同志们先别走。 don't go yet, comrades. 我先说几句。 let me say a few words first. 先做学生,再做先生。 be a pupil before you become a teacher.2.(祖先; 上代) elder generation; ancestor 祖先 ancestor: forefather3.(尊称死去的人) deceased; late 先父 my late father4.[口语] (先前) earlier on; before 你先怎么不告诉我? why didn't you tell me before?5.(姓氏) a surname 先轸 xian zhen
  • "显?,暴?" 英文翻译 :    showup
  • "贤production" 英文翻译 :    ken production
先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献的英文翻译,先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献,先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献的英文意思,先 鮮 閑 賢 顯 險 縣 現 線 限 陷 獻的英文先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献 meaning in English先 鮮 閑 賢 顯 險 縣 現 線 限 陷 獻的英文先 鲜 闲 贤 显 险 县 现 线 限 陷 献怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。